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MY-B003F Auto Hematology Analyzer

Item Code: MY-B003F
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  • Description
Technical Specifications: Functionc:AutomaledWBC 3-Part Parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, LYM%, LYMI, GRAN%, MID%, MID#, PDW, MPV, PCT, RCDW. LCDW, ROW, PLCR and WBC. RBC, PLT three histograms Principat:Eloctronic impodanco, SFT mothod for hemoglobin Throughput:≥60T/H Analysis Mode:Oplional venous blod, anicogulant blood and predluted blood Sample Volume: Anicagulant whole blood ≤9.6uL, Anticoggulant cpillay blood ≤9.6uL, predluted Capillary blood ≤20uL, the sample volume for repeating two times teting and evolding second sampling Working Mode: Automatic sampling, detecting automatic testing, fumished wilth dlutor no need diluting oulside. Automatic dispensing lyse and making second dilulng automalcally Block dearing: Soak and washing back and forth, high pressure burming. Boast the function of monitoning incomplete blockage Alarm:Automated system diagnosis, solf esting, foull alam and roogent shortage alam Automated Maintenance Automatod washing during power on and power ol, reducing the blockage rate Standby Protection:24 hours swich on, automatic seep and wake up function Storage:Large quantty test resuts storage, at least 400 thousand test rsuts with comprehensive information. Extended SD memory supported Control Mode:Quilty control mode of L~, X-B and Xf. Westguard quelty contror rguletion Calibration Mode;Manual and aulomadic allbration arallable. Fresh blood allbrllon avallable also Prlerence Value Stting:Many reference valua ranges (hildren, adult and the aged). The approprtate referenca value range could be Butomatcally selected acoording to the Inputed age and 88K Discriminator Function: Float and fix discrminator, Manual adjust avllable Display:TFT LCD (Oplional Touch Screen)
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